Garlic contains compounds with healing properties
Most of the claims about the healing properties of garlic are related to the presence of an active compound called allicin. This compound containing sulfur gives garlic a pungent smell and distinct taste. During cooking and cooking, chopping or grating garlic produces allicin, but heating garlic may destroy some of its healing properties, so it is better to add garlic to food at the last stage of cooking.

Garlic can reduce the risk of heart attacks
Most research has focused on garlic’s ability to reduce the risk of heart attacks and help manage cholesterol levels. Numerous studies show that garlic makes platelets (cells involved in blood coagulation) less likely to stick together and accumulate on arterial walls. This means that garlic acts as an anticoagulant, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks. Garlic can lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels, allowing blood flow to flow freely.

Garlic has anticancer properties
Sulfur compounds in garlic have been studied to prevent the formation of cancer cells and block tumors. Most of the evidence about the relationship between garlic and colon, prostate, esophagus and kidney cancer is observational and only a small number of people have participated in these studies. As a result, the effect of garlic in relation to cancer is unclear and more studies are needed in this field.

Garlic has antimicrobial and antifungal properties
In the past, garlic has been used to fight viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Some skin conditions such as warts and insect bites may respond to garlic oil or a clove of raw garlic.

Garlic can maintain bone health
Animal studies suggest that garlic may minimize bone loss by increasing estrogen levels in female rodents. A study on postmenopausal women found that taking a single dose of dried garlic extract (equivalent to 2 grams of raw garlic) had the same effect. Studies also show that consuming garlic can relieve the inflammatory symptoms of osteoarthritis.

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